Thursday, February 24, 2011

London Calling!

As some may know, I'll be spending my summer in London and wanted to document my time there for all.  I know its a little premature considering I don't leave until June 5th, but I couldn't contain my excitement!

Some details...
I'll be living in central London for two months while working 4 days a week in an internship.  I haven't been placed in a position yet, but I should know by May where exactly I'll be working.  In my first initial interview a few days ago, I talked about what I'm most interested in doing so the program could find a placement that would be a good fit for me.  My ideal job would be working in public relations within the film industry or for a performing arts venue, which they said has a lot of options.
I'm also planning on traveling as much as possible when I'm there. Right now my three for sure desitnations are Paris, Amsterdam (both of which I've never been) and a return trip to Dublin.  I went to Ireland and London when I was in high school, fell in love and I've wanted to go back ever since. If any other European travelers have suggestions for places to go or any advice, let me know!
I know my page isn't much yet, but I'll keep posting a few things as June gets closer. And once I'm there I'll keep you updated on all the happenings. I hope everyone checks it out!